Monday, September 1, 2008

In the beginning...

Suprise! We are expecting! Not in the traditional "bun in the oven", swollen feet, and midnight cravings kind of way- rather in the traveling to another country, being matched with a precious child or children (more on that later), and dealing with our own and foreign governments to prove that we can provide the safest and most loving home possible for a child or children.

We have been lurking and reading other PAP (prosepctive adoptive parent) blogs for many months now. And, today, we are striking out on our own. We have learned and laughed from all of the families that have gone before us. And, by "us", I mean me, Gillian. My honey bunny (dear husband) reads the highlights ( i.e when PAP meet their child) or lowlights (Vietnam, anyone?), but generally blogging will be my responsibility.

I look forward to sharing our story for our families and friends. Hopefully, laughing along with you so that when we bring home our children, our adoption journey to them will be shared with you- just like a growing belly, doctor appointment news, and maternity clothes might be shared.

Our goal- with all of its ups and downs- will be to chronicle our journey to "when we became three."


Mike and Heidi Lee said...

Hi Gillian,
You asked if you could link our blog to yours...absolutely!! If you don't mind I'd like to link yours to ours as well! Best wishes to you and your upcoming family of three!

Bearcub Mama said...

Lots of luck as you begin this awesome journey! It really is unbelievable... :)

And yes, you may link our blog to yours. Thanks for being a loyal reader! :)

Please feel free to contact me thru the blog if you have any questions as you go along. And by the way...GO GATORS!! We are UF alumni around here and I see where you guys live! hee, hee ;)

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm so excited for the two of you. I hope it goes as smoothly as possible. Not only will you get to experience the red tape of US government, but also the RED tape of Russian government. Ah, I love a play on words. Best of luck to you two. Alex and I are rooting for you. And for the Gators. GO GATORS! PS - will your children wear shirts that say "A child divided" and have one half say the Seminoles and the other half say the Gators? Or "A crib divided"? Or "A car seat divided"? The possibilities are endless!

Carrie said...

Congratulations on your leap into international adoption!!! I can't say that it will always be easy but it is the GREATEST thing you will ever do. I've done it twice and would go again. We brought our son home in April of this year and our daughter in December of 2004. Enjoy the ride!

Becky and Keith said...

Congratulations on your decision to adopt! My husband and I were just talking tonight about how it was one of the best decisions we ever made! I can't wait to follow along and "experience" it all over again through your blog! You absolutely can link to our blog and I'll do the same wiht yours! If we can help, just let me know!

Melissa said...

Hi there! Feel free to link to my problem! :)

Anonymous said...

Welcome to blogging Gillian! :)

Liz said...

I am excited to share this journey with the you and I can't wait to become an aunt! Love you all!

Over-Caffeinated said...

Welcome to blog world. As you probably already know, it's an addiction that's hard to control. I'll link to you from my blog so I can stay up on your process. Now that our family is complete, it's fun to follow others who are just embarking on this amazing journey! :)


Ondrea Harrison