Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Where have all my elementary school teacher friends gone?

Along the "hurry up and wait" theme for this week...our home study is coming along. Our domestic social worker is working with our international agency to make sure that it is aligned to both the standards required by the US government and the standards required by the Russian government. I really appreciate all the hardwork our social worker has done. Yes, she is paid. But, between all of the interviews and home visits, she has become an important part of the process (there is that word again!).

While we wait for this part of the process to be completed and approved to be submitted to our government for the USCIS (immigration) approval, we have gotten the "go ahead" to work on our life books. Yes, I have been given the task of making scrapbooks! WAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Ok, really, not so much. I need to construct a scrapbook that tells our story. To my elementary school teacher friends...where are you? Anyone? Ideas? Suggestions?

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